Monday 29 September 2014

Minkyu - Describing myself as a langauge learner

I can remember when exactly I started to learn English. Possibly, I.have been studying English for nearly 15years. However, In Korea, the method of learning English is sort of wrong. We don't learn English at all. We just memorise English. I should have realised that earlier when I was in my first English class. I can't remember what it was like but I might have sang a song or watched some English cartoons.

I've never taken exams in English apart from an entrance exam to go to Uni. Most students in Korea take the entrance exam which is consists of a few different subjects, one of the subjects is English. By the way I want to take Ielts just in case I'll need the score in the future. I can apply for a position as an exchange student later, for instance. Plus, Honestly the reason I'm studying English at the moment is to get an amazing job. I Really want to work for an international sports company. So I need the official global English score.

I really don't like my level of English. I'm not satisfied with it at all. So I'll study harder than now. I'll do everything as possible as I can. I reckon studying alone is also important but there are a lot more interesting and effective things outside such as chatting with friends in English, hanging around anywhere. ETC.

I really like the English language. Many expressions are beautiful and completely gorgeous but sometimes I feel there are a limitations to show someone my real feeling or opinion. It's not about my level of English. I suppose English has less fewer words relatively.

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