Sunday 11 January 2015


     You have already heard about Brazil and its increasing highlight in global scenario as the seventh biggest economy of the world. But you probably don’t know some details regarding this country whose lovely inhabitants can transform your stay in a unforgettable and unique experience. 

     Due a fertile soil from south to the north of its territory and a climate that allows a whole year of production Brazilians are used to say that “it doesn’t matter you sow, it will grow”. Because of that you will get surprised with the enormous variety of fruits, grains and vegetables you’ve never seen before and that you can pick off directly from the trees, such as pitanga, jabuticaba, ciriguela, jatobá, cagaita, baru, sapoti, abiu, jambo, jamelão, marmelo and others.

     Brazilians usually have 4 different meals during a day. A breakfast when get up, a lunch at noon, some snacks or fruits at afternoon and a dinner at evening.

     Relating to the lunch, there are two ingredients which are the basis of this important meal and that can be find wherever you choose to eat. It is the famous couple rice and beans.
A typical Brazilian dish: rice, beans, meat, salad and, optionally, some chips.

     Being a tropical country, you can easily find fresh home made juices prepared at any restaurants or specialized shops in this area.
A juice shop - Rio de Janeiro

     During the weekends, Brazilians generally gather their friends or relatives to eat a barbecue, a feijoada - beans and pork - or another special/typical dish.
Feijoada: a typical Brazilian dish

     Yes. In Brazil you will meet indians, including those who had never contacted a civilized man. So, it’s possible to do an expedition to one of Brazilian forests, explore the nature and visit communities that preserves their culture and customs.
Brazilian indians

     And if you prefer beaches to forests, you can choose anyone located at the 8.000km territory coast.

Maragogi beach - Maragogi/Alagoas

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