Wednesday 19 November 2014

1)The Colosseum, or Amphiteatrum Flavium, is the the biggest amphitheatre in the world, located in the centre of Rome, it was built almost 2 thousand years ago during the Vespasiano, Tito and Domiziano's empires. The principal aim of the construction was hosting gladiators' fights as well as public manifestations but today the stadium is unfortunately half-shattered though it still attracts million of tourists every year from all over the world being until now the most impressive proof of the ancient Roman Empire.

2)Saint Mary of flower cathedral is a famous building made in the 15th century and located in Florence, it had been designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, the inventor of prospective but during his lifetime he managed to realize nothing but the chapel, indeed considered the most particular part of the whole building, for this reason the original project underwent several changes before being completely accomplished.
The innovation of this masterpiece can be explained by the  presence of a second internal chapel, whose function was reinforcing the structure's skeleton and extending it longitudinally.

3)The Sistine Chapel is one of the most famous cultural treasures of the Vatican City, it was made by pope Sixtus IV, from which it takes its name, in the 15th century, its big importance is due not only to its monumental aspects but also to the painting it preserves, they're in fact made by the most claimed and skilled artists then such as Michelangelo, Botticelli, Perugino and  so many others.

4)Trevi Fountain is located in the centre of Rome and until now is the biggest in the city so far, the statues and constructions that surround it are aimed to give a sea atmosphere to the whole composition, nowadays people approach it by throwing a coin into it in order to make a wish.

5)Ara Pacis Augustae is an altar made in the roman age by emperor Augustus in order to maintain the peace during his empire, it's not a big artwork but it's historical evidence of the typical art in that period.

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